December 2024
⇢ Together with Ahlke Kip and others, I just published a meta-analysis regarding mental disorders following exposure to natural hazards.
Kip, A., Valencia, S., Glunz, E., Lowe, S. R., Tam, K-P., & Morina, N. (2024). Prevalence of mental disorders in adult populations from the Global South following exposure to natural hazards: A meta-analysis. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 33, e68, 1–15.
OCTOber 2024
⇢ Presented a talk titled “Truly Recognizing Climate Change as a Global Problem: What it Means for Psychological Research” as a feature speaker in the Closing Plenary Session: Future of Global Psychological Science at the APS Global Psychological Science Summit.
⇢ Delivered a keynote speech titled “Cross-cultural perspectives on environmental psychology” at the National Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Association of Social Psychology (Temu Ilmiah Nasional Ikatan Psikologi Sosial XIII 2024) at Bandung, Indonesia.
⇢ Together with Hoi-Wing Chan and others, I just published a paper regarding the development of climate change anxiety:
Chan, H-W., Lin, L., Tam, K-P., & Hong, Y. (2024). From negative feelings to impairments: A longitudinal study on the course of development of climate change anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorder, 107, 102917.
⇢ Together with Hoi-Wing Chan and others, I just published a paper regarding the longitudinal relationship between experience of temperature anomalies and belief in climate change conspiracy theories.
Chan, H-W., Wang, X., Tam, K-P., Hong, Y., & Huang, B. (2024). Hotter weather, less of a hoax? Testing the longitudinal association between experience of temperature anomalies and belief in climate change conspiracy theories. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 98, 102409
JULY 2024
⇢ Together with Alexia Barrable and others, I just published a review paper on the relationship betewen nature connectedness and wellbeing among children and adolescents:
Barrable, A., Friedman, S., Tam, K-P., & Papadatou-Pastou, M. (2024). Nature connection and wellbeing in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Global Environmental Psychology.
JUNE 2024
⇢ Together with Hoi-Wing Chan and Susan Clayton, I just published a paper proposing and test an integrated model of climate change anxiety:
Chan, H-W., Tam, K-P., Clayton, S. (2024). Testing an integrated model of climate change anxiety. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 97, 102368.
April 2024
⇢ We are now calling for papers for a special issue on “Psychological Understanding of Misinformation and Disinformation in the Face of Environmental Crises” in British Journal of Psychology. Deadline of abstract submission: 31 August 2024.
January 2024
⇢ We are now calling for papers for a special issue on “Advancing the Interface between Research and Practice in Sustainable Development” in Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Deadline of abstract submission: 15 March 2024.
October 2023
⇢ Together with Hoi-Wing Chan of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, I just published a systematic review of studies on conspiracy theories in the context of climate change:
Tam, K-P., & Chan, H-W. (2023). Conspiracy theories and climate change: A systematic review. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 91, 102129.
September 2023
⇢ Together with Michael Hui of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, I just published an article examining the impact of an outdoor exhibition about gibbons on its visitors:
Hui, M. K. Y., & Tam, K-P. (2023). Engaging urban residents in primate conservation: Impact of a conservation education intervention in Hong Kong. Primate Conservation, 37.
May 2023
⇢ Together with Hoi-Wing Chan of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Susan Clayton of The College of Wooster, I just published a four-country study on climate change anxiety:
Tam, K-P., Chan, H-W., & Clayton, S. (2023). Climate change anxiety in China, India, Japan, and the United States. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 87, 101991.
April 2023
⇢ Together with Vivien Pong of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I just published a systematic review of studies on the environmental implications of global identity:
Pong, V., & Tam, K-P. (2023). Relationship between global identity and pro-environmental behavior and environmental concern: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1033564.
⇢ I just joined the journal PLOS Climate as one of its Academic Editors.